A New Look for Ann’s September Update 🍁

Stuff from Ann’s Brain …

Looks like we made it!

(Darn it, now I’ll be hearing Barry Manilow sing that song all day.)

Behind the scenes, I’m writing to you through a new digital marketing software interface that has all sorts of fun bells and whistles IF I can figure out how to use them all. This new software offers options to add surveys and quizzes and other entertaining items in the monthly newsletter, so stay tuned for a variety of content going forward AFTER I finish writing Deadwood Book 14 and have some time on my hands to push buttons and more here. This reminds me of what’s going on behind the green curtain on The Wizard of Oz.

I’m heading to Florida this week for an author/writing industry conference. It’s someplace new for me–a beachfront resort on Saint Pete Beach. While I’m looking forward to visiting with several author friends, a good chunk of the time will be spent in workshops where I hope to learn about what’s new in the book industry. After a two year long hiatus of sorts from the writing and marketing world due to my parents’ health issues, I feel out of it. I need to find out what to do going forward to keep things exciting for you and any new readers who find their way to Violet, Rabbit, Claire, Boone, Quint, Harvey, and the other colorful characters we hang with on the page.

My family is well. The kids are in school and college and getting used to the routine of both. When Sam is not writing, he’s working on some outdoor projects now that the weather is nicer. Me? I’m trying to stay healthy and strong in spite of sitting in a chair for long hours as I write, write, write.

Now, for a quick preview of what’s in this newsletter:

  • Yummy new fall-fun recipe from our Moon the Cook cookbook
  • A podcast interview starring yours truly with a wonderful host, Edward Willett
  • An update on what’s coming your way next

Thank you for your ongoing support and enjoy the beautiful month of September!


FREE Ebook Every Month!!!

Each month in 2024 I’m going to showcase an author friend who I think is quite wonderful. I’m going to tell you a little about her, in case you haven’t heard of this particular author yet, and then I’m going to include a special link where you can go to get a FREE ebook from her.

There are already 12 authors lined up for this fun monthly treat for you newsletter subscribers, and they are each ready to share a FREE ebook to give you a chance to escape on the virtual pages with some of their favorite characters.


Robyn Peterman

NYT and USA Today best selling author, Robyn Peterman writes because the people inside her head won’t leave her alone until she gives them life on paper. She writes snarky, sexy, funny paranormal and snarky, sexy, funny contemporaries.

Her addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke (the drink LOL) with extra ice in a Yeti cup, bejeweled reading glasses, her kids, her super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals.

A former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits, she now lives in the south with her family and too many animals to count. Writing gives her peace and makes her whole, plus having a job where she can work in her sweatpants works really well for her.

This month’s recipe:

Caramel Apple Salad

Here is another yummy recipe from the out-of-print 2020 Ann Charles MOON THE COOK cookbook, which Mark and Michelle Davis helped put together.

This month, Mark, Michelle and I decided to share a recipe from Freesia Tender, the owner of Galena House in the Deadwood Mystery Series–Caramel Apple Salad.

Recipes available in my monthly newsletters

NOTE: This cookbook sold out in 2020, so for those of you who were unable to buy a copy from my Ann Charles online store before it was gone, now you’ll have access to some of the great recipes via my monthly newsletters. Click the button below to check out past newsletters with previous recipes.

Let’s Try Something New … a Video

Below is a link to an interview I did with Edward Willett for his podcast show called, The Worldshapers. It’s about 40 minutes long, so if you need something to watch and/or listen to while scrubbing the shower, waiting in line to renew your driver’s license, or eating lunch at work, this might take your mind off things for a bit.

You can watch the episode on YouTube via the link below or you can listen to it here: The World Shapers – Episode 173 Ann Charles


A little about Edward Willett:


  • My latest from DAW Books: The Tangled Stars, humorous far-future space opera.
  • My latest from Shadowpaw Press: Star Song, Aurora Award finalist, YA outer-space adventure
  • Host of the Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers
  • Editor of the Shapers of Worlds, anthologies featuring stories by guests of The Worldshapers Publisher, Shadowpaw Press

Wrap Up

And on the writing front …

At the moment—I have about six chapters left to write of Deadwood Mystery series Book 14, Cops & Clobbers in Deadwood. It isn’t available for pre-order yet. I’m just trying to keep up a full head of steam and reach the end after months of struggling to focus. I’m aiming for a mid-November release. Keep your fingers crossed and maybe offer a fresh fall apple or two to the writing gods for me on that, please.

Also at the moment—Sam and I have come up with some great ideas for book 6 in the Deadwood Undertaker series. He is hitting the keys, too. We don’t have a release date for that book yet. We’re just hoping the waters stay calm when it comes to our parents and we can have that book out early next year.

ALSO at the moment—I’m planning to keep writing as much as I can through the holidays in order to get book 3 in the Dig Site series rolling and out by spring of next year.

OH, and ALSO…—There will be more Jackrabbit Junction series books. Kate is still dealing with pregnancy hormones (remember, it takes 9 months in STORY TIME to have a baby, not in real time, so she will be preggo for a while yet), Ronnie has loads of problems heading her way, and Claire and Mac are trying to run a bar and RV Park in the thick of the craziness down in the Arizona desert.

I hope you have a lovely start to Autumn!

The Totem Poles Formation at Monument Valley

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