
INTERVIEWS Behind the Scenes-Creating, Polishing, Producing your next story

Here is a behind-the-scenes peek at some of the “crew” who play a part in creating and polishing each book for readers of the Deadwood, Jackrabbit Junction, Dig Site, AC Circus, and the Deadwood Undertakers series. BEHIND THE […]


Chin Wagging Time –October 2020

Happy Fall! What a wild ride 2020 has been so far! We certainly are living in interesting times. One has to wonder if it is better to live when the “machine” is chugging along without a hitch or […]


January Juicy Tidbits

Happy 2021! Whew! We made it through another holiday season and now it’s time for Sam and me to get our buns back to work. Our kids are still attending school at home via the internet. I think […]


Springtime Good Stuff–March 2021 Newsletter

Spring has sprung! I don’t know about you, but I am very happy to see spring this year. Winter seemed to go on and on, making me want to hit my head on the keyboard repeatedly. Where we […]

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