
May 2024: Good times with another free ebook

Stuff from Ann’s Brain … My brain is mush today. Our son has finished with spring semester, wrapping up his freshman year at a local junior college. Whew! You never know how college is going to turn out, […]


July 2024: Bring on the Monsoon Storms … and books and prizes

Stuff from Ann’s Brain … It is Monsoon Season here in the desert Southwest which means glorious water from the sky on an arid landscape. Yay! The rain brings happiness for our plants and wildlife, but unhappiness for […]


June 2024: Zappity-zap, a new book, and more great stuff!

Stuff from Ann’s Brain … When I was a little kid, like four or so, I stuck a bobby pin in a light socket to see what would happen. I can clearly remember the before-being-zapped moment, the during-being-zapped […]


April 2024 – In Cahoots with Sale Ebook and Goodies to Win

Stuff from Ann’s Brain … Sam and I are often telling our kids to try new things, but I tend to follow routines more often than not. I figure it’s the Virgo in me. But this month, I […]


March 2024: Free Ghostly Fun and a Triple-Book Prize

Stuff from Ann’s Brain … I’m going to be honest about something: I haven’t been able to write much for the last month. I haven’t been able to round up the energy to be social online either. Some […]

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