
NEWSLETTER: Warm Days at the End of Winter!

I have a big sale going on right now and a fun giveaway with the details at the end of the newsletter Until March 13, 2020, I have the first three ebooks of the Jackrabbit Junction Mystery series […]


NEWSLETTER: A New Deadwood Ebook and More!

Happy May! Wow! 2020 has to be one of the oddest spring seasons in a long, long time. There have been so many changes from our everyday lives, and a lot of “family time” for most of us. […]


August Wrap Up…

Holy Hot Summer! Sam and I have been cooking here in Arizona in more ways than just what comes with large doses of extra warm sunshine. We have our two kids home and we are going through online […]


Chin Wagging Time –October 2020

Happy Fall! What a wild ride 2020 has been so far! We certainly are living in interesting times. One has to wonder if it is better to live when the “machine” is chugging along without a hitch or […]


January Juicy Tidbits

Happy 2021! Whew! We made it through another holiday season and now it’s time for Sam and me to get our buns back to work. Our kids are still attending school at home via the internet. I think […]

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