May 2024: Good times with another free ebook

Stuff from Ann’s Brain …

My brain is mush today.

Our son has finished with spring semester, wrapping up his freshman year at a local junior college. Whew! You never know how college is going to turn out, but for Beaker all went well. So, Sam and I celebrated with a shot or two of tequila mixed with some lemon.

Our daughter has finished with her high school junior year and has signed up for some college-level classes for next year (Chicken Noodle surprised us with these classes because last year she’d said she wanted to skate through her final high school year—however, three college-level classes does NOT = “skating”). Double whew! Sam and I celebrated with a shot or two of tequila, mixed with some lemon and frozen blueberries.

We finished with the manuscript for book 5 of the Undertaker series, _Hip Deep in Bad Company_, and shipped that story off to our editor to work her magic. Triple WHEW! Sam and I celebrated with a shot or three (or maybe it was four, but who was counting by this point?) and mixed in some … nah, neither of us could taste much anymore, so straight up shots went down easily.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, my brain is mush today, so I’ll keep this short and … something.

Here’s a quick guide to this month’s newsletter:

* Another Author Spotlight (Renee George) and awesome free ebook.
* A new Deadwood Mystery series prize pack for April—sign up for your chance to win.
* A Lemon Meringue Pie recipe courtesy of Penelope Harrison.

Thank you for reading along,


Each month in 2024 I’m going to showcase an author friend who I think is quite wonderful. I’m going to tell you a little about her, in case you haven’t heard of this particular author yet, and then I’m going to include a special link in my monthly newsletter where you can go to get a FREE ebook from her.

There are authors lined up all year for this fun monthly treat for you newsletter subscribers, and they are each ready to share a FREE ebook to give you a chance to escape on the virtual pages with some of their favorite characters.

The star in this month’s spotlight is … Renee George!

May’s Wonderful Author is … Renee George.

USA Today Bestselling Author, Renee George writes paranormal mysteries and romances because she loves all things whodunit, Otherworldly, and weird. Also, she wishes her pittie, the adorable Kona, could talk. Or at least be more like Scooby-Doo and help her unmask villains at the haunted house up the street.

When she’s not writing about mystery-solving werecougars or the adventures of a hapless psychic living among shapeshifters, she dons her superhero cape and rescues kittens. Okay, the kitten totally showed up one day and suddenly she’s got a new pet named Simon.

She lives in Missouri with her family and spends her non-writing time doing really cool stuff…like watching TV and cleaning up dog poop.

Click HERE to head over to Renee’s website so that you can learn more about her and her books!

Sign Up to WIN WIN WIN!

Every month, I’ll be offering a chance to win a fun-filled gift pack containing different books and goodies.

This month, you can enter a drawing to win a gift from the Deadwood Mystery Series. This pack of goodies contains the following items:

* An autographed print copy of _Optical Delusions in Deadwood_, Book 2 from the Deadwood Mystery Series.
* An audio book CD from _Optical Delusions in Deadwood_.
* An autographed set of Deadwood Mystery Series magnets.
* A Magic 8 Ball.


Lemon Meringue Pie

Here is another yummy recipe from the out-of-print 2020 Ann Charles MOON THE COOK cookbook, which Mark and Michelle Davis helped put together.

This month, Mark, Michelle and I decided to share a recipe from Penelope Harrison, the owner of Mule Train Diner in the Jackrabbit Junction Mystery series: Lemon Meringue Pie.

NOTE: This cookbook sold out in 2020, so for those of you who were unable to buy a copy from my Ann Charles online store before it was gone, now you’ll have access to some of the great recipes via my monthly newsletters.



Wrap Up

What comes next?

Sam and I are aiming to have the 5th book in the Deadwood Undertaker series available as ebook and print by the first of July. (The audiobook will take longer, as we have to work with our narrator on scheduling.)

I’m almost half way through Deadwood Mystery series #14 with a goal of having it available early this fall.

After that, Sam and I will be working on Deadwood Undertaker #6, and I’m going to write Dig Site Mystery #3 (FINALLY!!!).

For those who are wondering about the next Jackrabbit Junction series book, the Morgan sisters will be back in 2025 along with more fun with Violet & company.

Have a wonderful end of Spring!


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